Orders will typically arrive within 4 to 7 business days (Monday through Friday, not including holidays), following credit card authorization and verification. Standard delivery is available for shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. territories, P.O. boxes, Rural Routes, APO, or FPO addresses.
Express Shipping
Orders placed with Express Shipping by 12:00 pm (noon) ET will ship by the next business day, pending credit card authorization and verification. Express orders usually arrive the following business day after the ship date. Express shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. territories, Rural Routes and remote locations usually arrive within 3 to 4 business days after the ship date. Express Shipping is not available for P.O. Boxes, APO, or FPO addresses. Perfumes and colognes may not be available for Express Shipping.
Multiple Shipping Addresses
You can only ship to one address each time you checkout. If you are shopping for people at different addresses, you will need to place each order separately.